Next Saturday, I'm going to review history and begin to tie in various theory to specific time frames. We'll be able to take a look at the macro-level societal conditions and the "ideological perspectives" that were prevailing in culture at that time.
What I'd like you to do for your first five-page paper is to take any piece of the history as presented in your book and expand upon it. I want you to find a piece of history that is interesting to you and relevant in some way.
You will, of course, need to use other resources. Internet sites should be ".edu" and legitimate ".org" sites, with minimal ".com" sites. NEVER use wikipedia. You should make the effort to include a couple of references from books as well. You are free to use either MLA or APA.
The paper will be due in two weeks, and I will ask each of you to present to the class informally from your seat.
Which book are we suppose to be getting a topic idea from?
I am having difficulty finding a topic can you help me formulate an idea to expand upon. I have some ideas but i am worried it will be too brief
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