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I would have difficulties working with child sex offenders and trying to remain objective and non-judgmental regardless of whether the person had assaulted, molested, or exploited the victim. While I would have less difficulty in working with sex offenders of adults, I would still have the same challenges. While it is been defined as a psychiatric condition which, implies the predator lacks the ability to control his impulses, I am confident I would be unable to work with an individual with this disorder. I would also question the sincerity of the client in seeking treatment as most predators are in treatment as a result of having been convicted and as a condition of parole. I will combine the first question of what client behaviors I would have difficulty accepting and apply it to this. The behaviors of the clients seen with this condition that I would have challenges with are the lack of remorse, hostility, denial, deception and manipulation.
Being a caseworker, socialworker, or a counselor the hardest thing is not to take any case personal. To answer the 1st question, I would treat every client like a "crackhead" to be politically correct a drug addict. Basically, I would tell them don't waste my time. I would only help those that wants help. I know its easier said than done because its your career on the line. But it makes them think twice about coming to you for help. Indirectly, it pushes them to take the first step to change their behavior in life.
As for the 2nd question, personally I would not want to work with any pedophile, someone like Jeffery Dalhmer. Their mentality in life is that they have nothing to lose, so they do it anyway. I feel that no one or childshould go through the truama of that unnatural behavior.
As a counselor, if I was asked for advice on abortion, I would have difficulty in answering the question objectively when I am against abortion. I have done research on this topic a lot and I honestly believe that aborting an embryo/fetus is taking the life of a living thing. I would have a hard time understanding the woman's decision if she chooses this as her ultimate option. I realize and understand that I can't push my beliefs onto my client and so therefore I think that I would help the client evaluate all her options and let her make the decision for herself.
To answer question 2: One of my passions is trying to understand why people act the way they do. I have the opposite answer from that of Takki's in that I would find it educationally gratifying to understand the mindset of a criminal like Jeffrey Dahmer. For many years now I've done research on the link between early childhood trama, like sexual assault, and the link to adult antisocial behaviors. This behavior is usually the behavior for violent criminals.
As for who I’d like to avoid counseling is the elderly. It would be too emotional for me seeing people I'm working with pass away or thinking about ageing myself. I don't know if I would feel gratified by this type of work.
Jillian Ruisi
As a social worker/case worker,I would have trouble working with sex offenders/pedophiles. I would not be able to think objectively about what they have done especially when it involves a child. I would have difficulty understanding their behavior as a "sicknes".
If i was a counsler i would try to understand where people are coming from, I guess as a ex-officer I was a counsler everyday. Dealing with situation on a daily basis not being judgemental, but really looking to see what makes a person do what they do. You try to go in with an open mind but in life in itself you deal with something new deal everyday, especially when you think you seen it all then something new comes along. I was not in class this day but by reading your comments I see that this is a very delicate issue not only in the medical world but the world as whole, when I use to get calls of any type of abuse, it is extremly painful and difficult at the same time. Not over reacting and listening first, especially children, woman or sometimes helpless men. This affects everyone. Some say it's a medical condition, or it may be a justify as a victim being a victim in itself. Who really knows until we take the time to analize the whole situation. There are many factors playing its role here. Who know why Jeffrey Dahmer really did what he did, some might say he was crazy, he might say it was gratification, drugs, peer pressure who knows. My point is that i try not to judge a book by its cover. I really enjoy meeting people that have life challenges. trying to find a way to help that person or even better yet why. Even though there comes a time that you can not help that person especially if that person does not want to help themself. Like they say you can lead a horse to water but you can force it to drink. I really like the way each one of you have a diffrent point of view but yet simular. I guess thats what makes the world different but yet the same.
A counseling challenge for me is to counsel men whom have abused women & children. To devalue anothers life becuase you chose to operate on that particulars person need for you is truly sick, it is almost predatorial. I seek to understand domestic violence and its perpetrators and its effects, because children who are subjected to this type of living situation are normally labled with some sort of social disfunction. To peel away all the layers of self loathing and find a capable competent person worthy of self and societal love, would be my reward.
Approaching the situation clicically would be to access my client.
Which basic needs werent met when the batterer was developing. Was love with held and why. What were the circumstances and living arrgangements involved. Once I saw the individual as wanting to be helped and to stop the cycle then for me it would be worth treating this indvidual.
White collar criminals are people I cant see myself treating, the elite, the wealthy criminal the bank stock broker whom was so greedy that they literally stole. There is separte justice for these individuals, I loathe injustice.
If I was a caseworker I would have a hard time dealing with clients that have a history of hurting children in anyway such as sexual abuse, physical or murdering of a child. How do you as a descent human being first and as a caseworker second objectively counsel someone like that? If help is what they were seeking I couldn't help them not objectively.I am a mother of a 13 year old and about to have my second one. I would never bring harm to my children or anyone elses. I can't even being to understand or look into the mind of such a horrible unhuman being. So, no I would never be able to counsel such a thing.
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