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Saturday, October 13, 2007

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What Are The Factors/Circumstances
That Are Creating "Disconnect"?


Anonymous said...

Disconnect can occur for a number of different reasons. It can result from painful events such as divorce, alienation, abandonment, physical and/or sexual abuse, rejection, bullying, or death of a loved one. Trauma can also be at the root of the disconnect. This can include natural or man-made disasters, war, witnessing murder or torture, rape, or being a victim of crime. Disconnect can also come from mental illness and/or substance abuse. Basically, when something happens in our personal lives or society that is too hard to deal with, it is easier to disconnect than to cope with the problem.

Kim said...

Well, I am still working on understanding more about disconnect. So, as I research, is it really possible for a person to disconnect themselves for the world they live but still yet live and survive daily in a seemingly normal fashion?

miguel said...

When i first started taking human services classes i was eager to learned as much as i could to better understand what makes people react the way they do, what makes them disconnected.What I have learned is that sometimes it can be a combination of situations than can contribute to a crisis leading to diconnection.When people suffer from economic or finacial strain like poverty, losing a job, not recieving child support, or having a low level job may lead them into a neighborhood that can create crisis situations. Tough economic situations can lead to low income housing, neighborhood violence, and inner city schools with poor education. These situations usally lead familys into crisis causing child or spousal abuse, teenage pregnancy, alchhol and/or drug abuse.Other forms of disconnect can include natural disasters.I have also through my studies have found that some significant moments in our lives can lead to disconnect from having a baby which sometimes lead to post pardemdepression, losing a loved one,or caring for a sick child.Basically the ability to cope with certain situations in our lives will determined how much of a disconnect we will feel.

Donna said...

I think a factor of disconnect is something that happened to a person in their life. A traumatic event that brings them inside of themselves and are just at an idle point until they figure out how to get out. As long as they are not too deep into discconection from others I believe that they can get back to connection to others.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what causes one person to disconnect but not another who has gone through similar crisis', traumas, etc. I for one seem to have one stressor after the next without any relief in between. It seems like it's always something. Yet I manage to stay connected to society (although disconnect would probably have been easier) and I continue to think positively and go about my life. My friends and relatives have told me that I've endured more than they ever could without having a breakdown. I guess I'm just more resilient. Maybe from going through so much, starting in childhood, kind of made me get used to dealing with painful experiences. Just a thought.

Queenbarbosa said...

In today's society the benefits of advancement in Technology is easily seen. From DVR systems that alllow us to fast forward everything, text service that replaces the sound of the human voice and email that can take the place of person to person discourse; technology does play a significant role in the disconnect that we all experience. I appreciate all of technologies benefits but, think that we all have to monitor how much we use it to replace having contact with other human beings. At work, we all email or use our phones to call each other we are all right next to each other!