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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Intern Cindy Tanguay Coordinates Tag Sale For Agency

Cindy has had a successful internship at Community Residences in Southington. She has Mentored a young teenager, attended case conferences, worked within the agency completing dozens of tasks related to the agency's foster care & adoption programs. AND she coordinated CRI's Tag Sale last Sunday at their offices. Those brownies were comparable to Cindy's legendary cookies that, perhaps, she will find time to bake before Saturday's class.


Kim said...

Good Work Cindy, you should be very proud! I grew up in the Maryland foster care system. It is people like your self with such compassion and courage that help make the difference in a child's life!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cindy! Looking forward to those cookies!

miguel said...

Good Job Cindy I hope you had success.

Donna said...

Congrats Cindy,
Hope you had a successful day!Can't wait to try your cookies that we hear so much about!!!

Queenbarbosa said...

What a great way to help out the kids.

Cindy said...

Thanks SO much for all of your good wishes but as many of you heard in class, the tag sale was a bust! NEVER AGAIN!

If anyone is interrested... this Friday night my agency is holding another fund raiser in Wethersfield. It is a silent auction/beer and wine tasting (with TONS of food) Tickets are $35 in advance or $45 at the door. It is supposed to be a REALLY good time! I am personally very excited about it... A night out among adults who all work in the industry to mingle with! Can't get better to me... oh, and there is beer and wine! The auction is supposed to be really great too!

If anyone is interrested, just e-mail me at and I can get you all of the info needed. I have tickets for anyone who wants them in advance!