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Blog Archive

Monday, December 03, 2007

Presentation Topics. Claim Yours!

Pick Your Topic & Identify Your Choice On This Thread...

Traumatic Brain Injuries / Soldiers Returning From Iraq

F.W.S.N. (Family With Service Needs) Petitions / Child Neglect

Methadone Maintenance / History & Current Statistics

Juvenile Offenders

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & Acute Stress Disorder

1996 Welfare Reform's Core Concept: "Welfare To Work" And The Emergence Of The "Working Poor"

History Of Public Housing & Section 8

Reactive Attachment Disorder

The Foster Care System

Sunday, December 02, 2007

For Next Class...

Write a two to three page paper on the following statement from your book...

"...Human Services professionals need to discover how their personal attitudes, biases, beliefs, and knowledge about different ethnic groups (races, religions, etc.) might affect their ability to consider problems objectively, define them accurately, and present acceptable solutions. They should be particularly conscious of the ever present danger of using stereotypes and generalizations as explanations of behavior." (217)

Identify your attitudes, biases, generalizations (etc.) that you would need to work on changing.

What Do You Think? Class Discussion...

Imagine you are the caseworker or counselor. (1) What client behaviors would you have trouble accepting? (2) What types of clients would you not want to work with?